Storn Stoneshield

Dolgun Hardshield - Retired (NPC)

Dolgun is 4’6” and 168 pounds. He is a stocky young dwarf with very little muscle, but very nimble and in great health. His skin is a dark tan in color and looks a little bit leathery, while his hair is dark brown and eyes are brown. In addition to these, the mug of ale in his hand is brown.He is generally seen wearing his Breastplate (often covered in fruit) and has his large wooden shield strapped to his back, in an attempt to shield him from fruit thrown at him from behind. He is a drunk and boastful, though remarkably well spoken for a dwarf. If it wasn’t for being an assistant tax collector, people might actually like him.
Oh...and it is well known that Dolgun belches forth fire almost at will. While this is commonly thought to be due to his problem of constantly drinking only the strongest ales and brews known to man and dwarf alike, it may actually be due to some innate ability bestowed upon him due to his distant lineage. In any event, this trick served him well during his youth while he was part of the 'Freak Show' now located at the Emporium.
Dolgun has been retired and sent back to finish off his days with Jasper and Eldron... Having had his throat cut and his fire gland removed by Zyrzog the Illithid, Dolgun has sunk further into his alcoholism and is now retired.
Nora Behzadi - Deceased
Nora was born and raised in Diamond Lake to a Calashite family, rare in these parts except where there be dishonest work, plenty of wealth, and an immigrant working Calashite
Killed by her Calishite Father in an honor killing based on shame she brought upon her family and disrespect toward her father... Rest in Peace 1371 DR.
Carenthal Tallstag - Retired (now deceased)
Carenthal Tallstag. Follower of Mystra and friend of Kamist has decided to join up with the Three Hills Adventuring Company. Carenthal Tallstag is the second to join the Three Hills Adventuring Company after Morgan Hizari opened the doors to a number of new members.
Carenthal is one of a group of young Heroes who have returned home to Diamond Lake in hopes of scratching out a living and finding a way to help their families. Carenthal was always a pious man but now seems even more so and far from the rascal that used to run wild along the Vein with the likes of Kullen the albino Half Orc and the
too tall Kamist.
Just up and left the Adventuring Company, Last Seen in Waterdeep cavorting with the likes of Loris Raknian and Captian Okoral at the Fields of Triumph before his death at the hands of an unknown assassin. Suspicious.

too tall Kamist.
Just up and left the Adventuring Company, Last Seen in Waterdeep cavorting with the likes of Loris Raknian and Captian Okoral at the Fields of Triumph before his death at the hands of an unknown assassin. Suspicious.
Meet Kamist

As you walk into the Three Hills Adventuring Company building for the first time (as a member, that is), you see the common room is already full or people. The first person your eyes are drawn to is the tall Wizard in the corner talking to Elgan, Jerin, Tarin, & Sarin. Standing six feet four inches tall, he is wearing a green, pointed, “Wizard’s hat” that easily adds another eight inches to his overall appearance. A stylish green robe (probably bought in Waterdeep) hangs off his broad shoulders and seems to be concealing a strong, athletic body. He seems to want to announce the fact that he is a spellcaster by his choice in clothing alone. Lustrous, brown hair pours out from under his hat to cascade across these massive shoulders and as he glances your way to acknowledge your entrance with a welcoming nod, you can’t help but smile back because of the charming sparkle in his eye.
Of course you recognize him as Kamist Tirgan. He is a Diamond Lake resident who spent a few years in Waterdeep as an actor and comedian. In fact, you’ve caught his act at the Emporium several times. He’s hilarious, but what gets into an actor’s head to make him think he can become an adventurer?
As you walk across the room to Suzanna who is waiting here to greet you, she grins and motions over to Kamist, “He’s been telling that story for nearly a bell now, so don’t go over just yet. You want to hear this joke from the beginning.” Kamist’s arms gesticulate as his story draws to a close, revealing the ornate, green, glowing tattoo on his right arm. The tattoo extends all the way down to the tip of his pointing finger and disappears into the folds of his robe and probably rises all the way to his shoulder.
The only part of the story you hear is the very end, when he looks his audience right in the eye and says, “Fuck you, clown.” After a brief moment, you see the punch line sink in and four people burst into howling laughter.
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