Dolgun Hardshield - Retired (NPC)

Dolgun is 4’6” and 168 pounds. He is a stocky young dwarf with very little muscle, but very nimble and in great health. His skin is a dark tan in color and looks a little bit leathery, while his hair is dark brown and eyes are brown. In addition to these, the mug of ale in his hand is brown.He is generally seen wearing his Breastplate (often covered in fruit) and has his large wooden shield strapped to his back, in an attempt to shield him from fruit thrown at him from behind. He is a drunk and boastful, though remarkably well spoken for a dwarf. If it wasn’t for being an assistant tax collector, people might actually like him.

Oh...and it is well known that Dolgun belches forth fire almost at will. While this is commonly thought to be due to his problem of constantly drinking only the strongest ales and brews known to man and dwarf alike, it may actually be due to some innate ability bestowed upon him due to his distant lineage. In any event, this trick served him well during his youth while he was part of the 'Freak Show' now located at the Emporium.

Dolgun has been retired and sent back to finish off his days with Jasper and Eldron... Having had his throat cut and his fire gland removed by Zyrzog the Illithid, Dolgun has sunk further into his alcoholism and is now retired.

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