Alobron - Need a Picture Matt

An orphan by nature, Alobron grew up surviving the tough streets of Waterdeep. This upbringing left him exceptionally strong and sturdy, but also helped him to develop extra cunning. Realizing he was smarter than those around him, he knew he needed to develop those talents.

He applied at the arena for work at the age of 14 where he was thrust into the gladatorial spotlight due to his physique. He spent his earned gold training. After a year of living in the arena, he had decided to focus his concentration on the falchion for its devastating abilities to cleave into foes. He also listened to and read many stories about the legendary people of his days.

He noted that there were many stories of famous warriors and many about famous wizards like Khelben Blackstaff. Using these stories as a basis, Alobron found a way to combine them with his heritage: "Might makes Right." Realizing that he survived this long by combining both his mind with his body, he knew he could go far beyond by combining his martial prowess with augmentation magic. Thus, he saved up for another year, hoping to get into Blackstaff Academy for magical training.

When he arrived at the front desk of the academy to apply, the receptionist smirked at him, "Your kind doesn't have the aptitude for this academy." In a rage, Alobron upended the desk on top of the clerk and leaped atop him. With only the chance to land three blows in, he was flung through the air by an unseen force. Crashing into the garbage in an alleyway across the street, Alobron saw a robed figure standing in the doorway, "You are not welcome here, never return."

Dismayed and furious by their rejection of him, Alobron searched the streets of waterdeep until he finally found a Thayan wizard to tutor him in the arcane arts. With his first task given to him by Frankel the Crimson Razor, Alobron ran to gather the inks and empty spellbook his new master had sent him to fetch. When Alobron returned, Frankel asked him what he wanted to learn. "To cast spells," is what Alobron replied.

After a year of training, Alobron was able to cast spells. Frankel laughed at Alobron, "You have the knack for wizardry even though you care nothing about magic. From your disposition and how you treat magic, you should travel the paths of the abjurant champion and eldricht knight. They also specialize in martial magic."

Hearing of an order of monks that were rumored to clear the mind to help rare individuals, Alobron set off to Diamond Lake to continue his journey. There was no other way for him to prove his belief: Brawn used with brains is the strongest.